Believe in you or Be Live in you
Understand about Yourself I have just tried to define the real meaning of sentences "Believe in you or Be Live in you”. In general we says that if you have faith in yourself then you can do any work which is assigned to you but personally i say that first you be live in yourself, from inner side then faith comes automatically. Also, when you say that you have to believe in yourself it seems that you are not sure or doubtful about the result.....about your success. Bring liveliness and happiness You need to believe in yourself to be successful. It is sure only because you just imagine, just suppose, just thinks many times that you are confident. This idea does not looks good reason you have no liveliness inside. So it is very much sure that after pumping to yourself with confidence pills, you are not able to complete the task. If you are live from inside, means you have liveliness and happiness then faith comes automatically. You don't need to create the confidenc...